Sunday 18 February 2007

Sunday 18th, Grasshopper anyone?

Slept really well and woke up at a normal time! Hurrah! No jet lag for this hamster!

Quick breakfast at the hotel, and was just about to leave for the Grand Palace when reception rang to say my room-mate was on her way up. Johanna arrived a couple of minutes later; turned out she was planning on going to the Palace too, so we headed off together.

10 minute walk that would have taken 5 if we hadn't had to cross a 6 lane highway, or been stopped at least 4 times by tuktuk touts telling us it was shut! Luckily I'd read my faithful Lonely Planet so I was wise to them! Ha! Good job too; it's astonishing, blazing with gilt and mirrors.. it makes the Pavilion look like a 50s semi! The temple of the Emerald Buddha is just breath-taking.. so beautiful.. crowds and crowds of worshippers and tourists all jostling together.

I overheard a guide telling her group it was like Buckingham Palace in London.. it's really really not!

From there we took the riverboat to Chinatown.. the river's so busy.. ferries zooming across and up and down, with longtails haring in between and then improbably delicate looking tugs pulling football pitch sized barges three at a time.

Chinatown was like a film set, I was half-expecting Jackie Chan to appear at any moment! and it was Chinese New Year so it was even busier than usual.. everyone in red..

Back on the boat, quick bite on the Khao San and just made it back to the hotel in time to meet the rest of the group. Had a quick swim before dinner and got chatting to an Aussie called Spike.. as luck would have it he'd just got back from Krabi, so I have hotel recommendations now!

Group dinner at the AuThong (same name as the place on Brighton seafront!).. v good.. open roof to let the palm tree out!

Then another walk down Khao San.. we went over to look at a fried bug stall, and before I knew it I was talking to another Aussie, who was offering me a grasshopper! Apparently the trick is to hold it by the spiky bit and not eat that bit! So, with a deep breath and ignoring the "oh my god you're not going to.." from the girls, I tucked in. Crunchy, oily and tasting of salt & vinegar - a bit like the crispy bits at the bottom of a bag of chips.

He also offered me a scorpion pincer..tasted like burnt chicken skin.. Not sure I'm brave enough for a whole one though!


Anonymous said...

ignoring the "oh my god you're not going to.." from the girls, I tucked in

Oh my god, you didn't!

You're a brave soul, and your journal is colorful and hilarious and a joy to read, Ms. Hamster.

- JB

nnorbeck said...

No way would I eat a grasshopper. No way. No matter how much it's like the bottom of a bag of chips!

I bow to your superior culinary courage!