Tuesday 20 February 2007

Tuesday 20th Monks, Temples and The Hotel California

Over dinner last night Nok had asked if any of us would like to go with her to give food to the monks at 6.30. Sounded like a good idea at the time, so I crept out of bed so as to not wake Kerrie and got dressed by the light of my mobile.

Found Nok outside with Tom and she led us into the village. Light was just breaking and people were starting their days, farmers having a gossip before they start work, puppies fighting over a t-shirt.

Went to a sort of takeaway curry house and ordered the Thai equivalent of a McBreakfast-Monk special. For 28Baht your lucky monk gets curry, rice water and sweets! the curry and rice are just put in plastic bags and fastened with a rubber band! (You see loads of people carrying food, and even drinks like this.. if it's a drink they just pop a straw in the top! neat!).

Anyway, we wandered onto the main road and started looking for a monk. After a couple of minutes we spotted one and Nok effectively flagged him down with a little bow. He came over, so, following Nok's instructions we took our shoes off and knelt down. Then we got up again and put our monk meals in his bowl, then we knelt down again whilst the monk gave us a blessing. All by the main road!

After that we went for a walk round the farmer's village and watched the sun come up over the tobacco plants. Back to the guesthouse for breakfast and then into the songthaew for the drive into the Historic Park.

We picked up bicycles.. all quite sensible apart from Kerrie's pink "fairy" bike.. though mine was lacking a little in the brakes department!

Felt so good to be cycling in the breeze between these amazing ruined temples. Took far more pictures than I'd intended, though I really wished I had my "proper" camera with me!

We stopped for lunch not far from the giant Buddha and Naa (who helped Nok out whilst we were in Sukothai) came out to meet us with a fantastic picnic and sorted out who wanted a massage. Very funny listening to us reel off our assorted ailments and injuries!

We cycled back via the elephant temple. The chedi sits on the back of 24 stone elephants - each of which had been given a bunch of fresh bananas! Apparently it's a traditional way of giving thanks for good luck!

Quick swim at the hotel round the corner and then back to No4 for our massages. Tiny Thai lady turned up and pummelled me from here to kingdom come. I didn't fall asleep (which is more than can be said for Kerrie!) but I kept drifting off and having really random thoughts, and then coming back when she cut off the circulation to one of my limbs!

All suitably massaged and chilled we went to the street market for dinner, and watched the bats flying from under the bridge. Popped into the internet cafe and then onto the Chopper Bar again, where our ladyboy barman was back on duty. Also, the houseband worked their way through their entire English repertoire.. Welcome to the Hotel California!

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